
(updated 17 October 2011)

When you “subscribe” to a podcast, you use “podcatcher” software such as iTunes so that whenever you use that program it checks for updates on the various podcast feeds to which you are subscribed, and downloads new podcast episodes automatically.  My stats show that most listeners who subscribe do so using iTunes, but several other podcatchers are used.  Other popular ones include Juice and Nimiq: an internet search will find several.

To subscribe to electrical language, either click on the iTunes link below or cut and past the feed url into your podcatcher software:

to subscribe using iTunes:

If you wish to subscribe to electrical language, you can do so using either the wordpress feed or the feedburner feed. In fact the feedburner feed picks up the wordpress one, so they are both the same thing anyway. However, because the wordpress feed is a large file size, I have had to restrict it to the last 25 posts. So if you subscribe using iTunes or the like, you will no longer see the full history.

You can, however, find the full archive of podcast mp3 files at

the complete archive of electrical language podcasts is now at